Friday, May 21, 2010

Living on the edge isn't nearly as scary as living off the edge - safety can be so overrated. - Strumpet101

Is it better to have someone who loves you for who you are or someone who loves you no matter what you are? - Alachia

Attitude is a direct reflection of leadership. - Parxyr

Every night I write a blog post, it never gets published, I don't think I want people to read them, its just nice to put things on paper and read them back to myself... - Jaminbee

Spending large amounts of time with both feet firmly embeded in my mouth, has given me the perfect opportunity to learn to walk using my bum cheeks. - Chewyfruitloop

He said to never question what I was told, but as I grew, I learned better. - Rishal

Don't think you can push me around, sir, for I'll have you know that I am a black belt in verbal sparring! - Rishal

Tendrils unfurling to caress the scaly skin of its most delicious victim the Tcrln released its venom. - Calz

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