Friday, March 19, 2010

Everything was rushing by outside her life, but she didn't notice. - Strumpet101

I can't recall the last time I was this destitute, living off my last few coins and scraping mud off shoes just to keep those. - Rishal

The life of a thrill-seeker is fleeting, moving from pleasure to high and back. - Rishal

Blue buckets of brilliance stood before her. - Strumpet101.

He'd spent a lot of time considering this moment, trying to project how it might go down, how things would play out. - Syntychus

Love is kind of like a pot of stew you have sitting on the stove’s backburner; it sits there bubbling and waiting… sometimes smelling delicious… but mostly forgotten about until it’s too late and it’s either burnt or your house is on fire. - Calz


Alachia said...

Heya Guys. I checked your submissions blog post. I think it might be really useful to set up an email form right on the blog so that people can just submit right away. I tried to create the form code for you but you have to have access to the email.

Here's a great tutorial on how to set it up with blogger and mycontactform.

if you have any questions, let me know!

Strumpet said...

This is actually a great idea! I will get on this during the week!