Friday, March 26, 2010

"It was through those ragged holes in the heavy oak doors that the sanctuary's only light would enter, touching the far wall, illuminating the almost invisible sign of the god that died there, as the sun set on the backs of the ghosts of his people." ~ Syntychus

"The air was thick with salt and impending rain, a brackish haze that mirrored his mood." ~ Syntychus

"They sat unclothed next to each other in plain wooden chairs - a twisty reflection of light playing across the woman's hip, the man's hand trembling as he pulled his earlobe - and avoided looking at each other in fear of the knowledge they would exchange when their eyes met." ~ Syntychus

"Erin kissed Sasha, amazed that the other woman's lips were so soft and pliant." - Rishal

"Rage is the dark assassin who sinks his icy talons into your soul." - Rishal

"You know, it's surprising, but Death really knows how to dance." - Rishal
"Bile and filth dripped through his smile, that herder of sheep and slaughterer of lambs." ~ Syntychus

"Running on empty was getting old." - Strumpet101

"My colors are fading fast and I refuse to live in black and white." - Alachia

Friday, March 19, 2010

Everything was rushing by outside her life, but she didn't notice. - Strumpet101

I can't recall the last time I was this destitute, living off my last few coins and scraping mud off shoes just to keep those. - Rishal

The life of a thrill-seeker is fleeting, moving from pleasure to high and back. - Rishal

Blue buckets of brilliance stood before her. - Strumpet101.

He'd spent a lot of time considering this moment, trying to project how it might go down, how things would play out. - Syntychus

Love is kind of like a pot of stew you have sitting on the stove’s backburner; it sits there bubbling and waiting… sometimes smelling delicious… but mostly forgotten about until it’s too late and it’s either burnt or your house is on fire. - Calz

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome to the Sentence Salon

Welcome to this new project -- please explore the pages to find out what this salon is all about! We are looking forward to seeing our first submissions this week - please join in the fun!

The link to the Submissions page has all the guidelines you will need!